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License and Contributing

Monkey365 is licensed as Apache License 2.0 as specified in each PS1 file. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Additionaly, the following components are used in order to generate the HTML report:

  • Bootstrap, MIT License -
  • DataTables, MIT License -
  • MarkDig, BSD-2-Clause license -
  • JQuery, MIT License -
  • Fontawesome, CC BY 4.0 License -
  • ChartJs, MIT License -
  • highlight.js, BSD 3-Clause license -
  • Azure icons, Microsoft license -
  • Microsoft 365 icons, Microsoft license

Monkey365 welcomes all types of contributions that will help us to refine the tool. Testing and feedback on different PowerShell modules and collectors are ways everyone can help in addition to module features or bug fixes, so any support would be much appreciated.

If you are interested in contributing directly to Monkey365, here is how you can get started:

Report issues

Monkey365 uses GitHub issues to track bugs and feature requests. This is the best place to report bugs. If you have what looks like a bug, or you would like to make a feature request, feel free to open a ticket on the Monkey365 repository on GitHub, but please, you should keep a few things in mind:

  • Before you file an issue, please search existing issues to see if it is already covered
  • Please include detailed information about how to reproduce the problem
  • Write precise steps to reproduce

Improve documentation

We use mkdocs to build the documentation and deploy to GitHub Pages. You can easily contribute with new docs or improving existing ones. To run documentation locally, run:

  • Inside the Monkey365 repository folder run:
    pip install -r requirements-docs.txt
    mkdocs serve
  • Documentation will be served on localhost:8000
  • You can find all pages within the monkey365/docs directory
  • Make all needed changes or add new documents
  • When you are ready, send a pull request to us for review and merge
  • If you want to know more details about how to use the MkDocs, please visit MkDocs

Thank you

Thank you in advance for your contribution!

For any questions or concerns feel free to contact me! Follow me on Twitter. Absolutely my DMs are open ;)