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Current limitations

Review the following sections to learn about current limitations of Monkey365 on NIX environments.

SharePoint Online in PowerShell Core

Monkey365 is using the SharePoint Online Management Shell ClientId when Interactive authentication flow is used. In order to give support to .NET Core, developers must set the reply URI to http://localhost, because .NET Core does not have an integrated UI. Due to SharePoint Online Management Shell is not configured to use http://localhost in the reply URI, authentication methods such as Interactive browser authentication or Authentication with a username and password are not supported in SharePoint Online when Monkey365 is executed using PowerShell Core (PowerShell 6 or later and PowerShell in NIX environments). The following options are available to avoid authentication issues:

Change the authentication flow

  • Change the authentication flow to Device Code Authentication or Certificate-based Authentication.

  • Execute Monkey365 using the PowerShell V5 Default version. Only valid on Windows environments

  • Use the -ForceMSALDesktop parameter will force PowerShell 6 and higher to load .NET MSAL libraries instead of .NET core versions. Only valid on Windows environments
