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Channels serialise PowerShell log events to some form of output. Channels can be configured to write stream data to files, send emails, send data over the network, etc... For example:


"logging": {
                "name": "File",
                "type": "File",
                "configuration": {
                    "filename": "monkey365_yyyyMMddhhmmss.log",
                    "includeExceptions": false,
                    "includeDebug": false,
                    "includeVerbose": false,
                    "includeError": false
                "name": "File",
                "type": "File",
                "configuration": {
                    "filename": "monkey365_exceptions_yyyyMMddhhmmss.log",
                    "includeExceptions": true,
                    "includeDebug": true,
                    "includeVerbose": true,
                    "includeInfo": false
                "name": "Slack",
                "type": "Slack",
                "configuration": {
                    "webHook": "",
                    "as_user": "false",
                    "icon_emoji": ":ghost:",
                    "username": "monkey365",
                    "channel": "#monkey365",
                    "onlyExceptions": true

In the above example, configuration file defines two channels named File and Slack.